Wednesday, November 2, 2011

12 days to go!!!!

okay, nothing much..

Tomorrow is our GRADUATION day!!!! And I'm sitting next to Hanna and Ridhwan!! God knows how I kept playing-mocking-session with Peja and Joe who are sitting behind me.. Plus ma roommates all will be sitting in a row on that day except for Mirah because she got 3.9 something for her CGPA and she'll be sitting in the second row.. Huhuhu.. Lucky her to be soo brilliant!!! Yet Alhamdulillah, I too managed to graduate with first class honour you people!!! woot woot! haha.. But ma CGPA is not that high to be compared to others, but I'm soo thankful!!! Yay me!!! I'll post the pictures okay???! I hope that I'm gonna be looking good with the jubah and the thing that you wear on top of your head during the graduation day.. I don't know what they called it, what ever it is, I don't want to be looking like a clumsy messy kindergarten gurl who came for her graduation day during kindergarten.. =.=''

and here is a photo of ma annual dinner..


Nanti-nanti la I post about it kay? I'll post everything after the war had ended which is on 30th November 2011!!

p/s: please pray for me and the rest of the form five who will be sitting for OUR SPM on this 14th of November.. please please please.

And I take this opportunity to apologize for all the wrong and mistakes I did for the whole seventeen years I lived on this earth. Believe me that I didn't deliberately to do it and I'm soooo sorry. Forgive me and do pray for me to excelled during answering the papers.. Thank you!!! xoxo

another day, another story, another me,

by a teenage gurl who is tired and cant wait for the war to end,

wawa cyrus

muahmuah xoxo

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